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šŸŽ„ Some great YouTube videos (again)

Here we go againā€¦is Chrome ā€œthe new IEā€?

Art doesnā€™t have to be ā€œvaluable to the marketā€

More Birchtree is on sale this week

Why my movie reviews seem a little harsh

Itā€™s a horse! Itā€™s a browser! Itā€™s both?!

Ads killed the web so now we need AI. Also, we need to pay for AI, so weā€™re going to put ads in the AI šŸ™ƒ

Paid Post Members

Digital Foundry helped me learn why some games felt ā€œwrongā€ (members post)

One of the many ways modern operating systems help you

Iā€™ll eat an AirPod if I get this prediction wrong